I live in what has become commonly known as an "urban chicken community." By that, I mean that we live in a city condo where our neighbors have chickens, four to be exact. These ladies have a lovely coop and chicken run in the backyard, and lay beautiful, organic, delicious eggs. Sometimes we have the opportunity to take care of the gals when their parents are out of town, and this was the case last week. During that time, we collected 10 eggs. And if that wasn't awesome enough, our neighbor thanked us for chicken care with a gorgeous loaf of homemade bread! I'd like to say Thanks, neighbor! for providing an incredible and local as I could possibly get, breakfast today.

What fun to have the taste treats that accompanied life on a farm all those many years ago! I'm truly envious! Wish I could send you fresh picked oranges and you could send me eggs fresh from the nest!