Monday, April 23, 2012

Beauty All Around

Under my bathroom mirror hangs a little inspiration: "Do something creative every day." I must have found it years ago in a magazine, and I kinda laugh at myself that I still have this random scrap of paper taped to the cabinet. I have always loved photography, even had it as my undergrad major for a while (changed it due to the fact that things needed to be precise and know, before digital days...I switched over to ceramics and textiles where my loose and messy style could flourish a bit more. But I digress...)  These days, I may not have a chunk of time to sit down and journal, paint, collage etc...but I always have my iphone. And instagram. A die-hard photographer might call it all cheating, but I look at it as creating. And it gives me the opportunity to capture moments of 
inspiration in my daily life.  
 My brush jar for painting.
 Water lily pod and cockscomb from this amazing florist in my neighborhood.
 Ranunculus mesmerize me.
I came home yesterday to find a pair of sweet birds trapped in the upper stairwell. I just needed to open the window to let them find their way to freedom. This one was sitting so sweetly on the window ledge, and I was able to hold him for a moment and snap a few pictures.  I was psyched with how clear the shot was. The only editing I did was to add a smudgy border. I opened the window and this little guy sat on my finger for a moment before heading 
back out into the world :)


Since our son arrived a little over a month ago, I haven't had a chance to step into my art studio too much. Actually, I have had a few free moments where I could have been creative, but snuggling that little bundle of love won out! However I realized while he was snoozing one afternoon that, in addition to squeezing him to bits, my soul also needs art and creativity. I know this. I always know this. But sometimes I just need to remind myself.
 That particular afternoon was spent in "process" particular plan or direction. Just getting colors, lines, shapes, thoughts on paper...and awaiting the end result. I started with a gray-scale topographical map scrap and colored in some squares with colored-pencils.  
 I found a new favorite material: used dryer sheets from Seventh Generation. They're almost like a brown wax paper with a perforated surface. They crinkle and wrinkle in a lovely manner and leave a great texture to work on, when flattened.  I layered on paints, water color pastels, rubber stamps and writing. A little random stitching here and there, and I was pleased with that process session.
Different shots of the layers and textures I created. 
Everything goes into one of my many visual journals.