These past few days, I've been feeling depleted, and a little defeated...hard to pinpoint why. One thing I do know is that when I feel like this, it usually coincides with a lengthy absence from my studio and creative time. I was fortunate that my sweet baby slept an entire 3 hours this morning. After getting one load of laundry started, I settled in and created via my typical process, layers upon layers of things that catch my eye or just happen to be within arm's reach.
As I wrote on my page, I did have a vision of a plan...something that would start centrally and work its way out, like a mandala. When I feel the way I felt, I just need to cathartically purge, throw all the pieces together and see what evolves. I did have a note from my dear friend, Elon, that I came upon recently. It used to hang in my creative space, bringing both inspiration and humor to the atmosphere. She is an inspiring woman, who exudes calming energy and wisdom; her note seemed the proper starting place for this entry.
I've been nibbling on too much of the best chocolate ever! Theo Fair Trade Chocolates, , out of Seattle. We stock it at the store...Danger! Danger!
Layers upon layers. When the page was first covered, it was colorful, as most of my pages are, but too pristine, too neat. It just didn't feel right, it needed more stuff, more scraps, more layers. I have a variety of boxes and containers where I accumulate said scraps. I opened one in particular and it all just spoke too me. And this is the result.
Interestingly enough, as I was just finishing this page, I offered up a thank you, gratitude that B slept soundly for 3 hours. Just as I was attaching a mini thank you note, acknowledging that perhaps a soothing energy surrounded B, the same energy that knew how vital it was for me to work in my journal today. I lifted my hand from the page, smile on my face, and, right on cue, B woke up. I need to get in that creative mode more often.
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